Friday, April 4, 2014

April's Oil of the Month! LLP Blend!

 This blend is keeping me healthy.  :)

I have been making and using a blend of Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint for almost a year now.  Last summer I did not suffer from allergies nearly as much as I usually do and although I have *tried* to come down with a cold on several occasions this year, it never developed.  It is nature's antihistamine.  :)  And a great immune support!

I keep a roller bottle filled at my bedside and roll the mixture on my feet morning and night.  After rubbing it in my feet, I rub the back of my neck with what is left on my hands and I also cup my hands over my nose and breathe it in several times.  It is also great for headaches...especially sinus headaches.  I roll it over my forehead and on my temples and the back of my neck and massage it in for several minutes.  Then breathe it in from my cupped hands.

My little roller bottle of LLP
I put 5 drops of each oil in a roller bottle: 
Lavender  <click here>
Lemon  <click here>
Peppermint  <click here>
And top it off with Fractionated Coconut Oil:
You can find the roller bottle here:

Now...I also belong to the Oil of the Month Club, which is a wonderful way to try new oils and blends.  And they come in the larger 15ml bottles!  It costs $15.99 per month and that includes the tax and shipping.  April's Oil of the Month happens to be L.L.P.!  This is a blend of the 3 oils I use in my roller ball.  I look forward to receiving it this month and will love the convenience of only having one bottle of oils to use for my roller bottle concoction....15 drops and topped off with the FCO.  :)

If you would like to learn more about the Oil of the Month Club, click here:
Of course, you don't have to belong to the Oil of the Month Club to be able to purchase this wonderful blend!  You can order it here:
**For purchases on the Spark Naturals website (other than the Oil of the Month Club), you will receive a 10% discount if you use the coupon code:  bobbins **
On a *quilty* note, my machine has been down this week.  I received some computer parts yesterday and the machine is up and running but I am waiting for a new carriage.  Handi Quilter has such great customer service!  I should be back quilting next week.  In the meantime, I have *found* all my UFOs.  Yikes.  There certainly are some oldies but goodies!  My oldest project is from when I was pregnant in 1976.  No...I never finished that baby quilt.  ;)  It is such a hoot...all poly cotton ginghams and flower power flowers.  But I WILL finish it.  One day.  ;) 
Is spring here?

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